As a physicist I think "what a gorgeous demonstration of Newton's third law this is; the impulse of the falling drops makes the puddle jump up when they hit."
As a chemist I think "water has a pleasing viscosity. I see that it quivers when disturbed due to hydrogen bonding."
As a biologist I think "I wonder what bacteria is living in those puddles at the moment."
As a poet I think "this is very... uh... metaphorical." (OK, so I'm not feeling poetic today, deal with it.)
As an artist I think "the shimmer of light across the waves on the puddles is beautiful."
As a juggler I think "this is shit. It's been bad juggling weather for ages."
As a survivalist I think "proof! The end is nigh. It's global warming that's doing this and pretty soon we will all die from it!"
As a pragmatist I think "it may take a while for my clothes to dry now."
What you do in life affects the way you think. By the way, I am none of the above.

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