I dreamed of the act of replying to electronic messages.
I dreamed that the Scrabble game in the lounge downstairs had been cleared away, so when I came downstairs this morning to find it still there I was momentarily startled.
I dreamed I happened to overhear some people in a historical discussion about the Cooper Temple Clause. No, not the band, the historical event, just like it existed in my head but not in real life. Thus it was that I learned the origins of the band's name.
That's just like Franz Ferdinand actually, isn't it? Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria gets assassinated, and thus World War I is instigated. So, almost a century later, we get a pulpy indie band adopting the name. Instead of a generation of youngsters going "Oh, just like the Archduke, who became the catalyst* of WWI!" we have a generation of youngsters in secondary school history classes going "Oh, just like the band!". I wonder which, in our life and times now, is the more significant meaning of "Franz Ferdinand".
But I digress! I had a series of very ordinary dreams, I was telling you. These do not, however, even scrape the two heavyweights of my past:
In 2nd place, the Doom Metal Dream:
[In real life] : A friend recommends that I buy a doom metal album. Wishing to keep an open taste in music, I accept his suggestion and purchase "Capture & Release" by Khanate. I see there are just two songs on the album, so I suppose they must both be rather long.
[In the dream]: I look at the CD case as see, why yes, they are long. They are about 40 minutes each.
In 1st place, the Crisp Dream:
[In real life] : I come home after a night out feeling rather peckish. I go to the kitchen, which is dark, and connected openly to the lounge area, where some flatmates are watching a movie. There is a multi pack bag of crisps on the counter, but not wanting to disturb my flatmates, I try to find a suitable flavour in the dark. The multi pack "theme" is meaty, so I think to myself that that is a shame, as it will not contain any Salt & Vinegar.
[In the dream] : I look at the packet and see that although it is the meaty variety, it does indeed contain Salt & Vinegar crisps.
[In real life, the next morning] : It is light and the crisps are now plainly visible. The multi pack does indeed contain Salt & Vinegar crisps.
I'm not really sure what to make of these overly-literal dreams.
Link of the day: Calvin & Hobbes
* - I have no idea why historians use the term "catalyst" to describe that which instigates an event. That is not what a catalyst is; it is that which aids and speeds up what is already happening. In chemistry, a catalyst lowers the activation energy for a chemical reaction, ensuring less energy is required to get the reaction started, and when it does happen, it happens faster.

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