I'm sure most of you are aware of the story about the hijacked Saudi oil tanker that has been in the news recently. Could this "unprecedented" attack have more consequences and implications than one might initially think? The attack was said to be unusual, and the pirates operated out of an area far south to the known danger area. Given these facts, is it too much to assume this suggests an increase in piracy? If it does, His Noodliness be praised, I think we've got this global warming thing sorted out.*
BBC report on the incident
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
* - If only because $100,000,000 of oil is currently out of commission.
Now that's a religion I could believe in.
Hello again... Nice to see Batflower back and. I am going to teach my RS pupils about the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Why not?
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